These artworks representing Chessboards are each composed of 64 images created with Artificial Intelligence (AI). The images are arranged from top-left to bottom-right. The first image was requested by the artist (embryo, cocoon, mandala, etc) before being returned to the AI to create a similar image to follow in the next position. The process is repeated 63 times. The final artwork is a visual timeline of an evolving image—a copy of a copy of a copy and so on. Each composition explores a different topic: the development of an embryo, the metamorphosis of a cocoon, or the impermanence of a mandala, etc.
In this series of Chessboards, consider the two players of the game to be the AI and you (the viewer of the artwork). To properly evaluate the artwork, you must consider the game of chess:
– Chess is a game of “Perfect Information” in which all players of a game are informed of all events previously occurred. As a viewer of the artwork, we are able to see the final executed steps of the AI, but can we fully understand the “creative” choices that led to each step?
– Chess is an “abstract strategy game” where the outcomes are determined by the choices of the players—unlike the randomness of a dice roll. Is the AI making sentient choices when creating each image, or is it simply following a random set of algorithmic directions?
– The chess term en passant translates as “in passing”. As the AI makes each move (that is, each image), what happens in the transitional moment between positions (images)?
– Lastly, the viewer is left with a classic “chess problem”—a composition to be evaluated and potentially solved.
These Chessboards raise many questions about emerging AI and it’s consequential ability to make choices. Consider your own ability to make choices: Do you believe in free will or determinism?
In this series of Chessboards, consider the two players of the game to be the AI and you (the viewer of the artwork). To properly evaluate the artwork, you must consider the game of chess:
– Chess is a game of “Perfect Information” in which all players of a game are informed of all events previously occurred. As a viewer of the artwork, we are able to see the final executed steps of the AI, but can we fully understand the “creative” choices that led to each step?
– Chess is an “abstract strategy game” where the outcomes are determined by the choices of the players—unlike the randomness of a dice roll. Is the AI making sentient choices when creating each image, or is it simply following a random set of algorithmic directions?
– The chess term en passant translates as “in passing”. As the AI makes each move (that is, each image), what happens in the transitional moment between positions (images)?
– Lastly, the viewer is left with a classic “chess problem”—a composition to be evaluated and potentially solved.
These Chessboards raise many questions about emerging AI and it’s consequential ability to make choices. Consider your own ability to make choices: Do you believe in free will or determinism?